#!/usr/bin/ruby -w # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- animals = %w{ant bee cat dog elk} def say_hello (name) "Hello, #{name.capitalize}" end puts say_hello('ww') $globalV = "hello" @instanceV = "instanceV" @@classV = "ww" puts "#$globalV, #@instanceV #@@classV" hash_example = { 'a' => 'A', 'b' => 'B', 'c' => 'C' } puts hash_example['c'] hash_default_value_zero = Hash.new(0) puts hash_default_value_zero['key-do-not-exists'] == 0 testflag = true puts "use simple if statement, if possible" if testflag puts "regex demo: if perl match /perl|python/" if "perl" =~ /perl|python/ aline = 'Perl and Python' aline.sub(/Perl/, 'Ruby') # replace first 'Perl' with 'Ruby' aline.gsub(/Python/, 'Ruby') # replace every 'Python' with 'Ruby' aline.gsub(/Perl|Python/, 'Ruby') animals.each { |animal| puts animal } 5.times { print "*" } 3.upto(6) {|i| print i } ('a'..'e').each {|char| print char } class Song attr_reader :name, :artist, :duration, :attr_foo attr_writer :name, :artist, :duration protected :attr_foo def initialize(name, artist, duration) @name = name @artist = artist @duration = duration end def to_s "Song: #@name, #@artist, #@duration " end end class SubSong < Song CONSTANTS_START_WITH_UPPERCASE_LETTER = 300 def initialize(name, artist, duration, lyrics) super(name, artist, duration) @lyrics = lyrics end def SubSong.staticMethod "static method" end def [] (seconds) #index method, e.g: SubSong[22] seconds end def play end def pause end def inspect '#' * 10 end end s = SubSong.new("a", "b", "c", "lyrics") puts puts s.duration puts s.name puts SubSong.staticMethod class SingletonLogger private_class_method :new @@logger = nil def SingletonLogger.get_instance @@logger = new unless @@logger @@logger end def self.static_method_form_b end class << self def static_method_form_c end end def public_method_a end public :public_method_a protected def protected_method_a end private def private_method_a end end i = SingletonLogger.get_instance puts i.object_id == SingletonLogger.get_instance.object_id puts i.class j = i.dup #duplicate a new object puts j.class j.freeze #freeze an object array = Array.new array[0] = "xxx" array[1] = "yyy" array[2] = "zzz" puts array[0,2] puts array[100] == nil #a=[1,3,5,7,9] → [1,3,5,7,9] #a[2, 2] = ’cat’ → [1, 3, "cat", 9] #a[2, 0] = ’dog’ → [1, 3, "dog", "cat", 9] #a[1,1]=[9,8,7] → [1,9,8,7,"dog","cat",9] #a[0..3] = [] → ["dog", "cat", 9] #a[5..6] = 99, 98 → ["dog", "cat", 9, nil, nil, 99, 98] require 'test/unit' class TestSong < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_method h = { 'a' => 'A', 'b' => 'B', 'c' => 'C'} assert_equal(h['c'], 'C') end end def two_times yield yield end two_times { puts "Hello"} a = [1, 'cat', 3.14] #array with three elements a[2] = nil puts a.find {|element| element == 1} puts [1,3,5,7,9].find{|v|v*v>30} puts [1,3,5,7,9].each {|i| puts i} puts ['S', 'V'].collect {|x| x.succ} puts defined?(not_defined_variable) == nil puts [1,2,3,4].inject {|p, e| p*e} class File def File.with_file_open(*args) result = f = File.open(*args) if block_given? result = yield f f.close end f end end song = SubSong.new("a", "b", "c", "d") p s class SongButton def initialize(label, &action) @label = label @action = action end def button_pressed @action.call(self) end end start_button = SongButton.new("Start") { song.start } def n_times(thing) return lambda { |n| thing *n } end proc_3_times = n_times("hello") puts proc_3_times.call(3) num = 81 5.times do puts "#{num.class}: #{num}" num *= num end 99.downto(96) { |i| print i, " " } 50.step(80,5) { |i| print i, " " } puts "#{'hello ' * 3}" puts "now is #{ def the(a) 'the ' + a end the('time') } for all.." p (1..10).to_a p ('bar'..'bat').to_a digits = 0..9 puts digits.include?(5) puts 1 <=> 2 puts 1 <=> 1 puts (1..10) === 5 puts (1..10) === 12 #102 More about methods #method name instance_of? chop chop! name= def method_without_parameters_do_not_need_parenthesis puts ' ' end def method_parameter_can_have_default_value(input="hello") puts input end method_parameter_can_have_default_value def varargs(arg1, *rest) "Got #{arg1} and #{rest.join(', ')}" end puts varargs("first variable", "and", "more", "params") #if block_given? #if omit the receiver, it defaults to self. #self.frozen? is same as frozen? #self.id is same as id #Modules module Module_Can_do_mixin PI = 3.14 def morsecode end end module Debug def who_am_i "#{self.class.name}" end end class Photo include Debug end require 'open-uri' open('http://www.sina.com.cn') do |f| puts f.read.scan(/<img src="(.*?)"/m).uniq end #Threads and Processes #P377 to be continue...
reading notes of Programming Ruby 2nd
copy to end of line from current point
As an Emacs user, maybe you already known CopyWithoutSelection
But currently without copy to line end from current point.
Following is the my implementation, and bind to the shortcut "C-c e"
But currently without copy to line end from current point.
Following is the my implementation, and bind to the shortcut "C-c e"
(defun copy-to-line-end (&optional arg) "Save point to current line end into Kill-Ring without mark (or kill and yank)" (interactive "P") (let ((start (point))) (save-excursion (end-of-line) (copy-region-as-kill start (point)) ) ) ) (global-set-key (kbd "C-c e") 'copy-to-line-end)
Using Jenkins' Script Console to Download Files
* Using Jenkins Script Console to Download Files Scenario:: ServerA has a file test.t want to copy to ServerB, But don't have login user on ServerB. And ServerB running a Jenkins server, we can access. Solutions:: On ServerA: 1. goto folder of test.t 2. execute python -m SimpleHTTPServer 19:41 ~ $ python -m SimpleHTTPServer Serving HTTP on port 8000 ... On Jenkins:: 1. execute following code in Jenkins's Script Console.String cmd ="curl <ip_of_server_A>:8000/test.t -o test.t"; Runtime run = Runtime.getRuntime(); Process pr = run.exec(cmd); pr.waitFor(); BufferedReader buf = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(pr.getInputStream())); String line = ""; while ((line=buf.readLine())!=null) { println line; }Then, test.t will located in Home folder of user who running the Jenkins. 2. Surely, any Groovy Script can execute here.
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